Abant Platform ends in Gaziantep
As part of the 25th series of gatherings organized by Zirve University and Abant Platform ended yesterday in Gazientep with a conference entitled The Future of the Middle East after the "Arab Spring" and Turkey. At the end of conference which was attended by a great many academics, press members and intellectuals from every corner of the world a final declaration was issued, predominantly urging all administrations to immediately end the violence they use on their people. The declaration indicates that the process showed us once more that nations are ready to rise against administrations, despite the risk of losing their lives, and thus recommends that administrators of relevant countries immediately initiate a process of social and economic reform. The declaration also notes that each country and nation in Middle East should be given a chance to establish its own model in accordance with its own characteristics and with help of other countries’ experiences. The future political powers in the Middle East must recognize all the groups from different beliefs and ethnicities as equal and free citizens, and all the actors who will take political initiative in the upcoming process should be firstly set to prepare participant and democratic constitutions based on human rights, the declaration indicated.