Byzantine, Greece antiques found in Balİkesir province


Archeologists have found historic ruins from the Byzantine and Greek periods while conducting
further excavations at Adramytteion in the town of Burhaniye in the northwestern province of Balikesir, six years after the team's last excavation project there.
The antiquities from the excavations, headed by Assistant Professor Huseyin Murat Ozgen from the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, will be sent to the Balikesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum after being cleaned in a laboratory. The excavation team consists of 40 students and 10 specialists. "We began the excavations on Aug. 22 with the support of the Balıkesir Municipality and under the management of the Balikesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum. In our previous excavations between 2001 and 2006, we found antiques from the Byzantine period. Now, we are discovering pieces from the Roman and other early periods," stated Ozgen. "We are calling for a reconstruction plan to protect Oren [Adramytteion] and we will negotiate with the Board of Cultural and Natural Heritage," the mayor of the Burhaniye Municipality, Fikret Akova, told reporters.