Turkey demands full investigation of noe-Nazi attacks targeting Turks
The recent discovery of a neo-Nazi cell whose members have killed nine immigrants, eight of whom were of Turkish origin, has sparked outrage in Turkey, with officials demanding a thorough investigation into the murders. Egemen Bagış, Turkey's minister of EU affairs, told Today's Zaman that it was a relief that the murderers of eight Turkish and one GreThe recent discovery of a neo-Nazi cell whose members have killed nine immigrants, eight of whom were of Turkish origin, has sparked outrage in Turkey, with officials demanding a thorough investigation into the murders. Egemen Bagış, Turkey's minister of EU affairs, told Today's Zaman that it was a relief that the murderers of eight Turkish and one Greek citizen have finally been captured and thanked German authorities. He said their capture and prosecution would affirm the sense of security of Turkish and other immigrants. He noted that the rise of racism and xenophobia in Europe was not limited to marginal terrorist groups but also included politicians. adding that Turkey's EU membership would be the antidote to reverse the rise of xenophobia in Europe. The Foreign Ministry in a message released on Wednesday noted that Turkey expected German officials to investigate the incident thoroughly to bring out the truth "regardless of wherever this may lead.". Germany was shocked by the neo-Nazi murders, with newspapers covering it in great detail. Chancellor Angela Merkel has called the murders "shameful."ek citizen have finally been captured and thanked German authorities. He said their capture and prosecution would affirm the sense of security of Turkish and other immigrants. He noted that the rise of racism and xenophobia in Europe was not limited to marginal terrorist groups but also included politicians. adding that Turkey's EU membership would be the antidote to reverse the rise of xenophobia in Europe. The Foreign Ministry in a message released Wednesday noted that Turkey expected German officials to investigate the incident thoroughly to bring out the truth "regardless of wherever this may lead.". Germany was shocked by the neo-Nazi murders, with newspapers covering it in great detail. Chancellor Angela Merkel has called the murders "shameful."