Turkey "deeply concerned" over violence in Egypt


In the second anniversary of incidents causing the overthrown of the regime of Hosni Mubarak, on Sunday clashes continued for the fourth successive day between protesters and police near Cairo's central Tahrir Square, leaving 37 people dead. Police used tear gas, while the protesters pelted officers with rocks. A statement released by the Turkish Foreign Ministry on Sunday said Turkey is "deeply concerned and saddened" over violence that erupted in Egypt after a court decision in the Port Said case" and that Turkey extends condolences to the families of the people who were killed. It said it is vital for Egyptians to act to restore reconciliation efforts, peace and dialogue at this sensitive time for the country. Ankara urged the parties in conflict in Egypt to exercise restraint to prevent deepening polarization in society and display a reconciliatory position to solve political issues through dialogue. "Turkey will continue to support Egypt's democratization with determination," the statement concluded.