Turkish scientists awarded microbiology grants
Three scientists from Turkey have been granted funding from the European Micro Biology Organization (EMBO), offered to researchers in EMBO member countries to strengthen the field of life sciences. The three won EMBO Installation Grants, a highly prestigious award in life sciences. Under the program, researchers from all over the world visit one of the six countries ( Croatia , the Czech Republic , Estonia , Poland , Portugal and Turkey ) that participate in EMBO grants and fellowships to conduct research and create fields of research in their host countries. The Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK), EMBO's representative in Turkey , said in a statement that it was also noteworthy that 11 out of the total 34 international applications made to the EMBO awards program this year seek to do research in Turkey . The scientists granted mobility support funds as part of EMBO Installation Grants include Volkan Seyrantepe from the Izmir High Technology Institute, Michelle Adams from Bilkent University, and Cory Dunn of Koc University. The researchers will be granted 50,000 Euros in support for the next three years, extendable to five years depending on the researcher's performance. The researchers automatically become members of the EMBO Young Investigator Network and win the opportunity to set up their own labs and be heard in the European scientific community as well as be invited to annual EMBO Meetings as participants or speakers.