Walesa set to share Poland's experience of democratization, EU accession with unionists
Former Polish President and legendary union leader Lech Walesa is due to arrive in Turkey this Friday at the invitation of Chief Negotiator for EU Talks Egemen Bagis and labor union Hak-Is. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Walesa, currently a member of the European Union's "wise men" group, is scheduled to speak at a panel on Poland's successful EU accession, democratization, and freedom. Walesa was the leader of Poland's Solidarity, the first independent labor union in the Warsaw Pact. Instrumental in the Soviet Union's eventual collapse, Solidarity was also the primary catalyst in the democratization of Poland towards EU membership. Bagis, Labor and Social Security Minister Omer Dincer, and Hak-Is head Salim Uslu will also deliver keynote addresses at the panel, which will be attended by politicians, union members, and academics from around the world. During his stay in Ankara, Walesa, a firm supporter of Turkey's EU accession bid, will also meet with representatives of Turkish labor unions.