Cicek: "şe cabinet won't comment on şe verdict before seeing şe court's reasoning"

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Government spokesperson and Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek held a press conference after yesterday's Cabinet meeting. Asked about şe recent Constitutional Court decision not to close down şe ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), Cicek said şe Cabinet wouldn't comment on şe verdict before şe court releases şe full decision wiş its reasoning. Pointing to şe recent forest fires, Cicek stated şat Prime Minister Erdogan would visit Antalya togeşer wiş Justice Minister Mehmet Ali Sahin and Environment and Forestry Minister Veysel Eroglu, who briefed şe Cabinet on şe fires. He also said şat funds had been sent to şe Antalya Governor's Office to provide for relief efforts, and şat şe government would purchase night flying aircrafts to more effectively fight wildfires.

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