Erdogan: "Nobody has power to divide Turkey"

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Speaking to his Justice and Development Party's (AKP) parliamentary group meeting yesterday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that remarks in his recent visit to Hakkari was misunderstood, adding, "I never use such expression like that 'either love or leave'. Those kinds of discourses belong to the opposition Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), not the AKP." Stating that he always emphasized "one nation, one flag, one motherland and one state," he asked, "Is there anyone who opposes that? Nobody has power to divide Turkey." He said that the government places great emphasis on education, and that they opened a university in Hakkari. In related news, speaking his party's extending meeting of provincial heads, Erdogan criticized Democratic Society Party (DTP), asking, "If you tried to overshadow the services, won't you isolate the people living there?" Reiterating that this soil, this country belong all of us, he added that they will help these people relieve from the ignorance.

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