Erdogan vows to increase police force

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Speaking at Justice and Development Party's (AKP) parliamentary group meeting yesterday, Erdogan said that the government would increase the intervention force exercised by the police, regarding possible incidents related to the ongoing Gezi protests.
"Within the authority the law provides, from now on, our police will not overlook any lawlessness; will continue to fulfill its duty. We will further strengthen our police. We will strengthen further in every way. So that we will increase the intervention power against these events," Erdogan said. Erdogan also said they would be inquiring into who was behind the Gezi protests, arguing that it was all a massive conspiracy, prepared very professionally in collaboration with social media, companies, the interest rate lobby, media and some internal traitors and external collaborators. Erdogan also gave information about the 10th Development Plan. "Within the framework of our 10th Development Plan, we aim the economy to grow by 5.5 percent. As a result, our national income will climb to $1.3 trillion. We also aim to increase per capita income to $16,000 by 2018," Erdogan noted.

Erdoğan altı üniversiteye rektör atadı Bakan yardımcısı görevden alındı Bahar Candan için tahliye kararı Borsa haftayı ekside kapattı Hazine'nin 30 milyar lira alacağı var: 'Aslan payı' belediyelerin