EU Minister: May god help Greek Cyprus

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EU Minister Egemen Bagis has mocked Greek Cyprus over the current economic crisis it is experiencing, arguing the situation is thought-provoking in terms of the European Union’s foundation philosophy. "It is really thought-provoking that a country that possesses the bloc’s rotating presidency is in a position to declare its bankruptcy in terms of the European Union’s founding philosophy. But the position of Greek Cyprus does not make [Turkey] happy. To hit the country when it’s down has no place in our culture. God help them," Bagis said yesterday in the southwestern province of Mugla. Underlining that the improving Turkish Cyprus is ready to help the south, the minister said the Greek Cypriot administration could get loan from the north just as it gets its electricity and water when they need it. "If Christofias is anxious over the economic crisis and wants to apply to Turkish Cyprus we are ready to lend a hand to Greek Cypriots as their neighbor. Probably Greek Cyprus sees the cost of blocking Turkey’s EU membership. If they would accept the Annan Plan then a ‘united Cyprus’ would be one of the prosperous country in the world," Bagis said.
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