Hopes for settlement on Cyprus pushed to 2009

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Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Mehmet Ali Talat and Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias yesterday met for a 13th round of talks for a comprehensive settlement on Cyprus. Speaking to reporters following the meeting, UN Special Cyprus Envoy Alexander Downer said that the two leaders have a great deal to discuss and do, adding that they are working decisively towards a resolution. For his part, Talat said that next year they will make more efforts to solve the issue.

Gültan Kışanak tahliye edildi DÜNYA’ya “Yılın Gazetesi Ödülü” “Perakende sektörünü yeniden şekillendirenler ayakta kalacak” Hazır giyim sektörü Afrika’da yatırım arayışında İstanbul ve Ankara, rekabette diğer illerle makas açtı