MGK to convene this week

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The National Security Council (MGK), chaired by President Abdullah Gul, is set to convene this week at the Cankaya Presidential Palace. Issues on the MGK's plate include the fight against the terrorist PKK, Turkish-European Union relations, a new Interior Ministry unit to coordinate anti-terrorist efforts, measures to be taken ahead of Nevruz celebrations, and Turkish-Israeli relations in the wake of tension over the Gaza offensive.

Prof. Dr. Özgür Demirtaş’tan dikkat çeken 19 Mayıs mesajı Antalya'da kreş skandalı: Dehşet anları anbean kaydedildi İstanbullular dikkat: Bu yollar trafiğe kapatılacak Hazine yarın tahvil ihalesi düzenleyecek MSB açıkladı: Fırat Kalkanı bölgesinde 5 PKK'lı etkisiz hale getirildi