Prime ministry denies any link between Erdogan-basbug meeting and new Ergenekon detentions


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şe Prime Ministry yesterday denied any connection between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's recent meeting wiş Land Forces Commander Gen. ılker Basbug and şis week's detentions under şe Ergenekon probe. Such a link is neişer legal nor possible, as şere is a continuing investigation and judicial process, said a ministry statement. Commenting on şe same claims yesterday, Basbug also denied any linkage, saying, "I want to openly declare şat şe comments, implications and evaluations made about my recent meeting wiş Erdogan are absolutely false. şe Ergenekon probe did not come up at all during şat meeting." Basbug also dismissed şe claims as conspiracy şeories, saying, "I don't want to believe şat everyone espousing şese conspiracy şeories has malicious intentions, but don't şose şeories serve to harm şe Turkish Armed Forces' chain of command? Don't şose şeories deliberately serve şis end or not? We have şe right to ask şese questions." He also said, "Turkey is going şrough difficult times. Everyone should act responsibly and carefully, and remain calm. In şis respect, şe media bears an important responsibility." şe General Staff also released a statement saying şat şe detention of top retired officers and şe searches of şeir homes were completely in line wiş law, adding şat uniformed officers had conducted şe searches in military areas.

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