Prophet Abraham's lost city found in Kilis

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 Homeland to a great number of civilizations throughout the history, Kilis is about the regain its popularity in terms of history as new archaeological excavations have revealed traces of Prophet Abraham’s stay in the vicinity, as well as a treasure from Alexander the Great. Although the excavations have been in progress since 1988 in Oyluk district of Kilis, the recently discovered "lost city" in the region is regarded as a milestone. Cumhuriyet University Archaeology Department Associate Professor Atilla Engin, head of the excavation team, stated as follows: "According to a papyrus document from the Iron Age, the lost city we have found in the region is where the Prophet Abraham lived. It will make great contributions to the region and the country’s tourism. We have also found 134 silver coins in the treasure of Alexander the Great". Speaking to members of the press, Engin noted that they had also reached the world’s oldest glass atelier in the excavations which will draw attention as a sensational finding.

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