Tougher smoking fines go into effect

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Under new antismoking legislation which went into effect yesterday, restaurant patrons violating a smoking ban are subject to fines of TL 69, while owners who fail to enforce the ban could be fined between TL 560 and TL 5,600. The measures come after the government banned smoking from most enclosed public spaces last May in an effort to improve the nation's health.

Fenomen öğretmenlere ceza yolda: 5 yıl boyunca kalacak Ahmet Ercan'dan ilk açıklama: 6,5 büyüklüğünde deprem olabilir Kızılay kurban vekalet ücreti açıklandı Çin Merkez Bankası politika faizini sabit tuttu Borsa güne beklentilerin aksine yatay başladı