Travel Age West Magazine award goes to Turkey

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US magazine Travel Age West magazine has given Turkey its annual Travel Age West Wave (Western Agents' Vote of Excellence) award. Turkey also got the Best Vacation Value Europe award. Visiting Turkey's Culture and Promotion Attache Hasan Zongur in New York, the magazine's editor in chief Kenneth Shapiro told him of the honors. Shapiro said Turkey's cultural richness and the diversity and quality of its service sector make it an exceptional European destination.

Şişecam'dan daha iyi bir dünya için iş birliği çağrısı İngiliz KOBİ’lere Türk sanal posu Karkas et fiyatı 10 günde 35 lira düştü 10 icra dosyasından 1’i ihlalli köprü geçişinden “Güneş enerjisinin yaygınlaşması için depolama şart”