Turkey seeks partners for shale gas exploration

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Turkish Petroleum Corporation is poised to explore and produce shale gas in Trakya, while a delegation from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources is seeking partners in USA and Canada - countries with shale gas exploration and production. The ministry delegation held a series of meetings with regulatory, supervisory and administrative authorities, hydraulic fracturing companies and professional organizations in those countries. Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said that his ministry was willing to work with companies that are experienced in the field to exploit Turkey's shale gas potential and added that they would collaborate with Shell in shale gas and oil exploration in Batman and Diyarbakir.

“Toplu Sözleşme Kanunu’nda değişik yapılması gerekiyor” Hedef Holding, yatırım ve dijital bankacılıkta büyüyecek Batman'dan 41 ülkeye solunum cihazı ihracatı HT Solar, bu yıl Türkiye’de ilk kez esnek panel seri üretimine başlayacak Veysel Memiş: 2024 yılında da başarı hikâyeleri yazmayı sürdürüyoruz