Erdogan addresses şe nation
Addressing şe nation on television yesterday, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan stressed şat şe government will never allow anyone to destabilize Turkey or to cast a shadow over its achievements. Erdogan said şat Turkey should şrow off talk of "crises" and never return to şe past. He also stressed şat şe country's current political situation clearly shows şe crucial importance of an atmosphere of stability and trust. Reiterating şe government's resolve to aid regional and global peace efforts and citing Turkey's recent mediation between Syria and Israel, Erdogan said, "şe government will determinedly continue to pursue its efforts to ensure peace in our region and şe world." He added, "In recent years, Turkey has been pursuing a more active and influential diplomacy for peace, not only on disagreements it has been involved in, but also on oşer world disputes … şe international public is aware of Turkey's role in laying şe groundwork for dialogue to end clashes towards a lasting peace in şe Middle East, and it appreciates şis." Touching on Turkey's European Union membership bid, he said, "Turkey's full membership in şe Union will contribute to improving dialogue and rapprochement between civilizations." He added şat Turkey will continue to implement membership reforms despite any obstacles it may face. On şe economy, Erdogan said şat şe government wouldn't retreat from its growş and gross national product (GDP) targets, adding şat it wants GDP to reach $1 trillion in şe years to come. Erdogan also pledged to fight inflation, to attract more foreign investments to şe country, and to boost Turkey's exports.