EU's fule urges Turkey to draw up a new constitution after year's elections"


Following on a successful referendum on constitutional changes earlier this month, European Union Commissioner for Enlargement Stephen Fule yesterday called on Turkey to replace the current constitution altogether as soon as possible after next year's general elections. Meeting with State Minister and Chief EU Talks Negotiator Egemen Bagis, Fule said, "We expect the referendum package to be applied before the next elections. And a new constitution should be approved as soon as possible right after the elections. Based on a broad social consensus, the new constitution should be designed in a way that involves the entire public, including civil society and the opposition." Speaking to the reporters after the meeting, Bagis said the European Commission's progress report on Turkey set to be released in November would be a "positive" one. Ria Oomen-Ruijten, the European Parliament rapporteur for Turkey, said in a separate meeting with Bagis, "When the constitution is changed is up to Turkey. But the new constitution should involve all parts of society."