Italy wants to reach Arab spring nations via Turkey


A visiting Italian business mission seeks ways to access new markets in cooperation with Turkish firms. Turkey has much to offer Italian companies in reaching Balkan and Arab Spring nations, says the head of the Union of Italian Chambers. Italian and Turkish firms can work together in business deals in the countries of Central Asia, the Balkans and the larger Middle East, top heads of business institutions from both countries said yesterday at the Italy-Turkey Economy Forum. "Turkey does not just have significance in terms of accessing former Soviet republics. The strategic importance of Turkey has increased due to the Arab Spring. People say they take Turkey as an example in Tunis and Egypt. Balkans is another region where strategic cooperation is possible," said Antonio Poaletti, the vice president of Union Camere (the Union of Italian Chambers), in his speech at the forum’s first meeting. Some 160 Italian firms, 23 associations and at least 360 participants attended the forum, which will continue with business-to-business meetings today and tomorrow.