"THY Day" in Houston declared by parket


Turkish Airlines (THY) which has the highest number of flight points throughout the world has reached its 220th destination by involving Houston, the energy center of Texas, into its destination map. "I hope direct flights will contribute to both our economy and political, diplomatic relations and trade," Energy Minister Zafer Caglayan said. Caglayan was one of the first passengers of THY arriving at Houston George Bush Airport after a 13-hour flight from Istanbul. Caglayan attended the ribbon cutting ceremony along with THY's Chairman of Board Hamdi Topcu, Houston Mayor Annise Parket and other officials. Annise Parker submitted an announcement in which they declared April 1 when the first flight started between two Houston and Istanbul as the "THY Day" in Houston. "Export figures double in all the routes we fly. I'm sure that our Economy Minister has insisted on us, because he has seen the potential here," Topcu said.