Turkish engineers develop cutting-edge nanotechnology for outer space


Engineering Professor Ekmel Ozbay, the head of Bilkent University's Space Technology Research Center (BILUZAY), said yesterday that great progress has been made in producing high-power, high-speed electronic circuits completely in Turkey. Bilkent University and Aselsan, Turkey's largest defense company, worked together on the production of the material as part of the TUBITAK 1007 project. A project group supported by the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) has developed a nanotechnology-based material 100 times more resistant to extraterrestrial radiation than current materials. The new material lengthens the lifespan of electronic circuits and is planned for use in domestic satellite projects. The new material was reportedly developed by a project group supported by TUBITAK and implemented by the Defense Industry Undersecretariat (SSM). Scientists plan to make Turkey the first country to ever use this technology in space. The new material promises to make satellites less expensive and more durable.