Large labor, business groups issue call for common sense

Large labor, business groups issue call for common sense


Meeting in Istanbul yesterday, the heads of the Turkish Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association (TUSIAD), Turkish Public Worker's Labor Union (Kamu-Sen), Confederation of Turkish Labor Unions (Turk-Is), Tradesmen's and Artisan's Confederation (TESK), Turkish Confederation of Employers Associations (TISK), and Turkish Agricultural Chambers' Union (TZOB) issued a joint call for "Common Sense in Turkey." The statement was read out to the press by TOBB head Rifat Hisarciklioglu as well as all across Turkey. "Today is a historic day," said the statement, one in which common sense and cool-headedness are needed. "Turkish democracy and law are undergoing a difficult test," it said. "We all hope we can get through this period without suffering any harm." The statement also stressed that Turkey should swiftly focus on addressing its economic and social problems.