White House, EU condemn attack on US consulate in Istanbul

White House, EU condemn attack on US consulate in Istanbul


The White House yesterday condemned the attack on the US Consulate in Istanbul. "We strongly condemn the attack," said White House spokesperson Tony Fratto. Asked whether the US sees it as a terrorist attack, Fratto said, "I'm not yet in a position to comment on the facts or nature of the attack." In related news, en route to Tbilisi, Georgia, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that she appreciated the quick official response to the attack, and thanked the Turkish government. "The US expresses sorrow about the loss of lives, and it expresses its deepest condolences to the families of the three Turkish police officers killed," she added. European Union Term President France stated that the EU firmly condemns the attack and that they stand in full solidarity with the Turkish and US governments. Ria Oomen-Ruijten, the European Parliament's rapporteur for Turkey, also expressed her indignation and strongly condemned the attack. The attack underlines the necessity to be vigilant and to stand together with Turkey in the fight against international terrorism, she added. She also expressed her deepest sympathy to the families of the victims.