248 Turkish researchers to Turkey in four years
A total of 248 Turkish researchers who had been residing abroad to capitalize on opportunities in research and development in their fields have returned to Turkey in the last four years due to the efforts of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), stated Science, Industry and Technology Minister Nihat Ergun on Sunday. Turkey has been pulling ahead in the international race to win back scholars and researchers who have gone abroad. Minister Ergun said TUBITAK has been establishing scholarship programs in 11 parts of the US and Canada for four years. Within the scope of the project, 26 high officials from state and private institutions in Turkey went to universities and industrial companies abroad to talk with Turkish researchers and inform them about the scholarship program. Ergun further stated that Turkey has developed new strategies to welcome more Turkish researchers and scientists to reverse brain drain. One of the researchers, Yusuf Yusufoglu, who returned to Turkey thanks to TUBITAK's efforts, told Today's Zaman that he had some concerns before coming to Turkey since he thought that he may not have the same opportunities that he had in the US. "After I returned to Turkey, I noticed opportunities for research are very abundant and promising. I am very happy to be in my country," said Yusufoglu. According to a study conducted by TÜBİTAK in December 2012, 1,335 Turkish scientists are working globally at leading universities like Harvard and Oxford, scientific research centers and major companies such as General Electric, NASA, Google, Microsoft, Intel, Motorola and Mitsubishi. The US has the highest number of Turkish scientists, accounting for 49 percent of the total determined by TÜBİTAK. Germany, Canada, England, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Australia and Japan follow, respectively. The number of Turkish researchers working in the US is greater than the number of Turkish scientists working in all European countries combined.