France's Lellouche praises Turkey's help in Libya
France hopes Turkey will help the international community implement the UN Security Council resolution imposing a no-fly zone on Libya and "all necessary measures" towards that end, said French Secretary of State for Foreign Trade Pierre Lellouche on Friday. "Turkey has an impressive leadership, a great deal of economic growth and very active diplomacy," he said in an interview following a speech at Istanbul's Galatasaray University. "I'd like them to use the weight Turkey has as a force to help the [Paris] resolution, which is in line with the UN resolution protecting the population, stop the bloodshed first and then help some kind of a political settlement toward democratic change in Libya." He added, "I hope the Turkish government will help us and the rest of the international community because they have a very strong influence in Libya: They have a strong presence; they have done a lot in Libya; and they will do a lot in the future when the country will be reconstructed. But before we get to peacetime, we must stop the bloodshed, [and] make sure the population is not punished."