9 people detained over Reyhanlı bombs
Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay yesterday held a joint press conference with Interior Minister Muammer Guler, Justice Minister Sadullah Ergin, Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinoglu and Hatay Governor Mehmet Celalettin Lekesiz on Sunday. Speaking at the press conference, Atalay told press members that nine suspects had been identified through their own confessions and statements. Atalay also said 38 of the victims had been identified, three of which are Syrian citizens. "What is aimed at here is provocative sensation, an attempt to form negativity toward the refugees. Citizens must beware of that," Atalay added. For his part, Guler said the attack did not appear to have any links to al-Qaeda, and also insisted that neither Syrian opposition nor refugees were involved in the attack. "The perpetrators are directly related to pro-Syrian regime organizations and were in contact with the [Syrian intelligence] Mukhabarat," Guler said.