Cengiz Özdemir
We are witnessing the transition of Turkey from a country which until quite recently feared diversity to one which should consider that the greatest source of richness. It is certainly not easy, we have absurd and artificial thought patterns that need to be broken. We have been accustomed to always consider that certain things are essential while the rest are others... We spent years in such an ill social structure. Which one of us does not have bitter memories that we recall in remorse today? I was in my first year at Kabataş High School. I remember how we used to follow the crowd and scoff at an Armenian classmate... Or how we used to label any newcomers in our neighbourhood from the East as Kurdish but would not dare to call those who called themselves Kurdish Kurdish. And the word "Alawi" which entered our vocabulary with negative tones as new neighbours moved in. Later on, as we read and learned about the historical background of the issue and witnessed examples in our daily lives, we came to better appreciate the magnificent composition that we once built on these lands. As a natural outcome of blending in this geography for centuries, we, not only Sunnis or Alawis but all ethnic groups, had actually intertwined with each other. And it is still like that, isn't it? My favourite place for tripe soup in Istanbul is Apik. Today, only there can I find the zerde that used to be served with rice in my childhood. And zerde reminds me of ashura. The competition between my late mum and neighbours for the right consistency of ashura meant a complete joy for us. Yesterday was the 10th day of Muharram, the Day of Ashura. Many major events occurred on this day in the history of Islam. The martyrdom of Husain, the grandson of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, was the most tragic of all. According to the tradition, it was on the Day of Ashura that Prophet Adam's repentance was accepted, Prophet Noah's Ark survived the flood, the fish cast out Prophet Jonah, Prophet Abraham survived the fire he was thrown into and Prophet Joseph was taken out of the well. It is also related that the qiyamah (Day of Judgement) will take place on the Day of Ashura. Sunni families are full of Hasans, Husseins, Alis... Or the other way around and this is exactly how it is supposed to be. Ashura is a special delicacy made by Prophet Noah by simmering together his supplies that were left after the flood in a cauldron. It is an ancient tradition that has left its traces in other cultures as well. In recent years, I have witnessed very special Days of Ashura. All these repeatedly remind the people, who belong to the same history and geography, of probably the strongest element of cohabitation- common memories. This is what needs to be done instead of inventing absurd controversial issues which would only serve to undermine our cohabitation. Turkey in no time should fully focus on abroad and aim at greater goals. And the absolute prerequisite to achieve this is that we should never forget and always remember that we are on the same boat.