Bozdag Harshly critizes Assad, Hezbollah
Speaking at a conference in Ankara titled "Problems of the Islamic World and Solutions" on Sunday, Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag harshly criticized Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Lebanese paramilitary group Hezbollah for stepping up a campaign of violence against civilians in Syria. Bozdag suggested that "pro-al-Assad" Iran-based militant group Hezbollah should change its name to "Hezb-evil," as it has declared jihad against innocent women, children, and old people. Stating that currently the most paramount challenge in the region is the rise of racism which divides the Muslim world and leading to unabated fighting, Bozdag said, "Racism is a sickness that threatens Turkey and other countries in the Middle East. If someone decides to kill a man based on racist feelings, then he rejects the book of God and His orders. Quran and Islam do not absolutely approve of killing of people based on racist feelings. Turkey has been fighting against racist terrorism for the past 30 years."