European capital of culture agency introduces projects for 2010


As preparations for Istanbul as a 2010 European Capital of Culture draw to a close, the annual program organized by the European Capital of Culture Agency was introduced at a press conference yesterday with the participation of Hayati Yazici, state minister and head of the Istanbul 2010 Coordination Board, and Sekib Avdagic, the chairman of the Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency. Avdagic laid out the group's main goals, including reinforcing Istanbul's cultural substructure; contributing to culture tourism; supporting diversity; encouraging creativity and international cooperation; conveying the historical heritage of Istanbul; protecting the historical structure; organizing international events and festivals such as the International Poetry Festival, Dance Platform and International Ballet Competition; expanding artistic and cultural events to peripheral regions so people who can't afford to attend such events are able to go; and helping establish Istanbul as a "brand name."