Juncker favors Turkey's EU bid


In an interview with Sabah daily, Jean Claude Juncker, head of the group of Euro zone, said that Europe’s integration should be deepened and everybody should be informed that Europe is very small. Juncker said that Europe’s population would constitute 7% of the population worldwide in 2050, once it accepts Turkey as a member. He argued that Europe should unite, instead of going to pieces. Juncker argued that Turkey could strengthen the weakening EU and thus he supported Turkey’s membership. When asked how Turkey could join the EU in the face of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Greek Cypriots, Juncker said that both Turks and they knew that the accession process is a long one, but Europe’s democracy would sooner or later work so hard that those who don’t favor Turkey’s membership would quit the scene. He added that Turkey was a great actor in the Middle East and its economy would get better, once it gradually gets close to Europe.