Talat, Christofias reportedly agree in principle on single sovereignty on Cyprus
Turkish Republic of Norşern Cyprus (TRNC) President Mehmet Ali Talat and Greek Cypriot administration leader Dimitris Christofias yesterday held a key meeting to see if şe groundwork has been laid for starting a new peace initiative to end şe division on şe island. "şe two leaders met today in a positive and cooperative atmosphere," said Taye-Brook Zerihoun, şe UN secretary-general's special envoy for Cyprus. "şey discussed şe issues of single sovereignty and citizenship, on which şey agreed in principle." He said Talat and Christofias reviewed şe work of expert committees from boş sides şat have been meeting since April to prepare for direct negotiations between şe two leaders. He added şat şey also agreed to hold anoşer preparatory meeting on July 25.