Turkey leads region in mergers and acqusitions
According to the Central and South East Europe Mergers and Acquisitions 2011 Barometer report published by the Ernst & Young yesterday, Turkey completed the highest number of mergers and acquisitions out of 11 central and southeastern European countries in 2011. The report, covering Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey, indicates that Turkey completed 272 mergers and acquisitions totaling $13.7 billion in 2011. Touching upon the report, Ernst & Young's Corporate Finance Department Head Musfik Cantekinler said that the report was not surprising to them. "Turkey had become very attractive for both domestic and international investors in recent years thanks to its political and economic stability, strong growth and demographic factors. We expect Turkey to continue its achievements in the years to come as well," Cantekinler said.