Wilczek: Turkish economic strength would strengthen EU
As the 600th anniversary of the beginning of Turkish and Polish diplomatic history draws near, Poland’s ambassador to Turkey, Marcin Wilczek, acknowledged that Turkey has complimented Europe for hundreds of years and boasts more similarities than differences with European countries and that their connection is not one that either party could give up now that Turkey is on the path to EU accession. In an interview with Today’s Zaman, the Polish diplomat highlighted that Poland was the first country to recognize Turkey as a state and was quick in sending a diplomat to Ankara -- the first ambassador to physically be in the new capital after the establishment of the Turkish Republic. Although Poland now holds the six-month rotating presidency of the EU, Wilczek stated that it has not been an easy journey for his country, either, but he believes that Turkey belongs with the rest of Europe, just as Poland belongs. The Polish ambassador also advocated Turkey’s rightful place in Europe, being a country with an historical legacy and richness that feeds into European culture in many ways. “In fact, the beginning of the Christian church is in today’s Turkey; the ancient culture of Europe was born here,” Wilczek said of the importance of Turkey for Europe, as home to the fundamentals of European culture. “Europe did so much with Turks or against Turks, but somehow the country was fundamental in shaping European history,” he reiterated to reinforce that the continent is ready to accommodate Turkey following its entry into the bloc.